The E-Sylum (7/18/2021)
Book Content
Author and researcher Dave Lange shared this report on his one and only FUN show purchase. Thanks!-Editor
A Florida dealer came up to our booth and described to me an old coin display box that he had, asking whether I'd be interested. I suspected he was talking about Wayte Raymond's "Easy Display System," a form of portable coin cabinet. We were too busy for me to go wandering off, so he agreed to bring the item to me. I was pleasantly surprised that my instinct was correct, and I promptly bought it on the spot.
As the photos reveal the Easy Display System consists of a box with lid and drop front that holds 12 stacking trays of heavy fiberboard. The trays are identical to one another, but they accommodate individual coin holders having ports of varying sizes within which the coins rest on a shallower backing. These pieces may be arranged in either portrait or landscape orientation, the former with the port either above or below the surface reserved for a description of the coin. When closed and latched, the box measures 6.5" x 11.75" x 3.5" tall.
The smaller ad attached is from the April 1936 issue of Raymond's newsletter, Coin Topics, and its text matches the item I acquired. The larger ad from the October 1938 issue illustrates a grander version of the same product. It holds many more trays, and they appear to have some sort of handle on the front edge of each one. A fellow collector has one of these, and I was unsuccessful in prying it loose from him.
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