Eric P. Newman Correspondence ("V" Assorted Files)
The Eric P. Newman correspondence files begin in the 1930s and extend into the 2010s. Newman generally saved incoming correspondence in addition to copies of outgoing correspondence, and the size of the entire archive is on the order of 50,000 pages. Newman's original classification is retained, including subject files, correspondent files, and assorted files (A-Z). Generally, entries in the assorted files are several pages or less, with larger items transferred to subject or correspondent files as size warranted.
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1 entries found for [year:1960]
V Correspondence,1960-2013
Assorted Correspondence filed under "V" ranging from 1960 to 2013. Correspondents includeDudley L. Vaill,Borden S. Veeder, Joseph B. Vacca, Lawrence Marsh, Arthur M. Fitts III, Frank VanZandt, Harold C. Voelker, Cornelius C. Veremule, Hiram L. Bowers, George W. Vogt, Frank L. Veltrup Jr., Lee Martin, Edward O. Vetter, Mark B. Vittert, Luis Vigdor, Speros Vryonis Jr., Daniel J. Voss, Don Valenziano Jr., Earl W. Volz, John Von Bokel, Charles van Ravenswaay, Lucille Varga, Thomas Serfass, Keith Littlefield, Mark Vittert, Leland Lucky Vittert, Jonathan M. Conrad, Bruce Vogel, R. Tettenhorst. The following materials are loose items found in the correspondence which may or may not have been scanned depending on date published: 1) Article titled 'A counterfeiter pleads for Clemency' from the HOBBIES - The Magazine for Collectors 2) A page from St. Louis Business Journal dated 11/29/2013 3) St. Louis Post - Dispatch page dated 10/19/1976 attached to a letter dated 10/26/1976 4) 5 photocopies of notes attached to a letter dated 6/6/1991 5) St. Louis Business Journal page dated 07/17/2000.