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Gedenkthaler.  Coin-like medals of Germany in similitude to large silver coins. Popular early in World War I, they recorded German heroes, victories and feats of arms. They were struck in silver, with fineness ranging from .990 to .800 and less for later issues – and occasionally struck in bronze. They closely resembled the 3-mark coin (1 1/4- inch, 34-35mm) and the 5-mark (1 1/2-inch, 38-39mm) and were produced by private firms in Germany including: L. Chr.  Lauer, Ball, Ordel, Mayer & Wilhelm, B&M and others. As a coin-medal the gedenkthaler was similar to the original concept

of the so-called dollar in America (also in similitude to a large silver coin). Gedenkthalers were very high quality medals that bore excellent portraits, design and diework.  See  coin-medal.

excerpted with permission from

An Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal Technology

For Artists, Makers, Collectors and Curators


Roger W. Burdette, Editor

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