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The E-Sylum (10/24/2010)

Book Content

The tussle over British merchants and Scottish paper money continues. -Editor

Scottish Banknotes ENGLISH shopkeepers could be forced to take Scottish banknotes in time for the Christmas spending spree, it was revealed yesterday.

Scottish notes are not technically seen as legal tender south of the Border, with individual retailers having the right to refuse them.

Many fear Scots notes are forgeries and reject them automatically despite high-tech counter gadgets proving they are genuine.

But Scottish Office minister David Mundell – the country’s only Tory MP – is trying to strike a deal to end the problem. Mr Mundell, who represents Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale, also wants all auto-tills at car parks, supermarkets and rail stations to accept Scottish money.

He has instructed Government officials to examine the possibility of bringing in new laws to put Scottish notes on the same footing as English ones.

To read the complete article, see: NEW HOPE IN BANKNOTE BATTLE (

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