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The E-Sylum (11/18/2012)

Book Content

Pete Smith, author of American Numismatic Biographies (ANB), has made a new 2012 edition of his book available on the NBS web site for review. Check it out! This is a wonderful resource for numismatic researchers. Thanks are due to Pete for making it available, Martin Gengerke for file formatting assistance, and NBS webmaster Bruce Perdue for posting it. -Editor

American Numismatic Biographies 2012 American Numismatic Biographies was first published in 1992 and included about 1400 biographies. Just 100 copies were printed so it had a very limited distribution.

The current draft of (ANB has been added to the NBS website and is now available to anyone. It now includes more than 1700 biographies of people who have made an important contribution to American numismatics.

One reason for posting this is to allow any of the subjects to review their listing and offer updates or corrections. Readers may also suggest additional names for inclusion. The address to send changes is at the bottom of every page of the listing. NOTE: the email address for responses has changed and anything sent to the old address in recent months was not delivered.

To access ANB, use the direct link below or

  • Go to the NBS website at
  • Click on "Community Resources"
  • Click on the link anb_2012.pdf

At the top of the page is a box marked "Find" This may be used to search for any term or name. Names are in the format Last, First.

This is a work-in-progress covered by copyright protection. It may not be copied or distributed. The website will be updated periodically as the document is modified.

To view American Numismatic Biographies, see:

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